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Board Meeting

Present:  J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, J. Alvey
Absent:   W. Gibbs
6:04 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the September meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey, All agreed.
Motion to approve the September financials (2 e-pays and checks 11358-11369 J. Lane/D. Riley, All Agreed.
Unfinished business: S. Wiesemann has talked to Todd Carr about getting the defibrillator. She has to join the group SPARC before she can apply. She is working on it.
The board needs one more member. Wanda Conley is considering joining the library board.
Discussion -
The board discussed the Holiday Open House and ideas for this year’s event. A date was discussed but will be finalized at the next meeting after talking with the City Clerk to find out what day Santa will be there. Ideas mentioned were: Letters to Santa, Cookies, Craft tables, Story time. Possibly have it on December 9 depending on other activities in the county.
The board is looking for a grant so that Patti Spivey can stay working since she is such an asset to the library. Her program will run out soon. There may be a possibility that the Illinois Humanities Grant might cover her hours.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
The board went over Serving Our Public Chapters 11 & 12.
Made a motion to add names to leaves on the tree in the genealogy room for $10 each, as a fundraiser.  K. Eddleman/ D. Lampert, All agreed.
S. Wiesemann said that D. Walczak was planning to hand out treats and/or books on the evening of October 31 as a library program.
Motion to Adjourn 7:20 p.m. J. Alvey/D. Riley, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.