Board Meeting
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, J. Alvey
Absent: W. Gibbs
6:06 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the October meeting minutes. J. Alvey/D. Lampert All agreed.
Motion to approve the October financials (3 e-pays and checks 11371 - 11372; 11374 – 11379; 11381; 11386 J. Alvey/ J. Lane All Agreed.
Discussion - S. Angleton invited two different people to join the library but they said no. S. Wiesemann was told that W. Gibbs is considering leaving the board and suggested Julia Williams to replace her. A board member will ask Julia if she would like to join.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
Unfinished Business:
Disaster Plan - The board filled in information needed to finish the disaster plan (phone numbers and other details). Will need to get a plastic drop cloth to cover supplies, equipment, and books in case of a leak. S. Angleton will update the plan, type it, and print for the board to approve.
MTA reimbursement of craft supplies costs to Jennifer Lane who presented a receipt. J. Alvey/C. Goolsby. All Agreed.
New Business: S. Wiesemann needs a few more shelves added to her cabinets. She needs to purchase at least 6 boards/shelves. The board agreed.
Patti Spivey is an asset to the library and S. Wiesemann would like to keep her longer since the Goodwill program will run out soon. S. Wiesemann is asking that board members help think of ideas to fund her employment. She may get some donations that could help keep Patti.
Holiday Open House will be held December 9 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Board member Dennis Riley will help Santa for the City. Board members will pitch in and bring treats, read, make crafts, and help children write letters to Santa. J. Lane purchased several ornament kits and D. Walczak will provide some crafts too. Board members will arrive at 9:30 a.m. to help set everything up.
The board went over Serving Our Public Chapter 13.
Motion to Adjourn 7:12 p.m. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.