Board Meeting
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann
Absent: W. Gibbs, S. Angleton, and J. Alvey
6:05 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the November meeting minutes. D. Riley/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the November financials (2 e-pays and checks 11370; 11373; 11380; 11382-11385; 11389-11392; 11394-11406 J. Lane/ K. Eddleman. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Memorial donations have come in for Norma Gehring, Sue Harl and Hubert Volle.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
Unfinished Business:
Disaster Plan has been typed up.
Motion to approve the disaster plan. J. Lane/D. Lampert. All Agreed.
New Business:
Julia Williams has been chosen to replace Darlene Hamilton’s spot on the Board. Julia will be sworn in at the next meeting.
S. Wiesemann was told that W. Gibbs plans on leaving the library board but has not submitted an official resignation letter yet.
TIF money can be spent on job creation, retention, and training. This money may help keep Patti Spivey with the library since her contract with Goodwill ends April 2024. Will have to see how much TIF money the library receives and discuss more at a later date.
The Per Capita Grant Application was reviewed and approved. S. Wiesemann will submit it in January 2024.
Renting the library was discussed. The Rosiclare Church of Christ asked if they could use the library for about an hour each Sunday for youth Sunday School for a secluded learning environment. Currently they use the Rose Clare Craft and Antique Mall on Sundays for their worship services. They wanted to donate $250 every 3 months as a gift for use of the room.
The board discussed opening up the library for other people to rent after hours, but at this time it would have to be a case by case determination possibly for a club or organization.
Motion to approve the Rosiclare Church of Christ to use the library for one hour each Sunday morning until either party decided to terminate the agreement. D. Lampert/D. Riley, All agreed.
Holiday Open House was held December 9 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 26 kids attended, 23 adults attended.
Motion to Adjourn 6:36 p.m. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.