Board Meeting
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, J. Alvey, Gwynndolin Johnson
Absent: J. Williams
6:02 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the February meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the February financials (2 e-pays and checks 11434–11439; 11443-11447) J. Alvey/C. Goolsby. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Gwynn Johnson was sworn as a new library trustee in by J. Lane.
Librarian’s report - see attached.
Unfinished Business - TIF money is now available to be dispersed. Board members want more clarification on how it can be spent before the request is submitted. S. Wiesemann will do some more investigating with it.
New Business -
S. Wiesemann said she is planning on helping the line dancers get t-shirts as part of a program expense. The library’s name will be on the back of the shirts.
The board discussed purchasing an advertisement in the Fluorspar Diamond to be a sponsor of the festival. Everyone agreed on an amount of $100 but tabled the motion until the letter requesting the sponsorship is received.
Summer Reading Program is in the planning stages. It may be moved from Mondays to Wednesdays this summer. Donna Walczak may run it this year in addition to (tentatively) Shawnee National Forest, Ag in the Classroom, U of I Extension and Todd Carr.
Board agreed to make a special request by letter to the City Board to have Rosiclare Memorial Public Library signage placed at the intersection of Ferrell Road and Main Street to point people to the library.
Board will table the Library Director Eval until the next meeting. The evaluation may be revised before the evaluation will take place.
Chapters 5 and 6 of Serving Our Public were reviewed.
Motion to Adjourn 7:20 p.m. /D. Lampert/ D.Riley, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.