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Board Meeting

Present:  J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby,                      J. Alvey
Absent:  G. Johnson and J. Williams
 6:12 p.m. Call to Order
 Motion to approve the March meeting minutes.  K. Eddleman/J. Alvey, All agreed.
 Motion to approve the March financials (2 e-pays and checks 11440; 11442-11453; 11455-11464) K. Eddleman/J. Lane. All Agreed.
 Discussion -
Unfinished Business-
Discussed ways to spend the TIF money since it can’t be spent on payroll even if considered training: fees for QuickBooks transfer, SIRPDC fees if needed help from Alene Carr, reinstall a new front door or maybe reverse it, storage shed, new shelving, ramp rails.
 S. Wiesemann will call Alene Carr and see if she has any advice on the situation or a contractor to install the door.
 The board talked a little about the annual evaluation form. S. Wiesemann will fill out her portion before the June board meeting and everyone will discuss the evaluation together at the end of the June meeting and complete it.
 Librarian’s report - see attached.
Talked about Jennifer Warren, Nancy Drone, Todd Carr, and possibly Donna Walczak, and Shawnee National Forest to present at Summer Reading Program. Ag in the Classroom has been contacted but there has been no call back at this time.
 New Business -
S. Wiesemann stated a concern about one of the library adult programs, Line Dancing. The Fluorspar Festival Board told Wiesemann that they could not dance on Tuesday nights in the Rose Clare Craft Mall since people might want to rent the place on that night. They did say that since the library uses the room on Wednesdays for crafts, that Line Dancing could take place after that. Those times don’t work for the Line Dancing group. K. Eddleman said he would talk to the Fluorspar Festival Committee and see if the Line Dance group could continue to use the room when it is not rented out on Tuesdays. Using the room at the Rose Clare Craft Mall is considered an extension of the library, so it is an important community resource for the library programs. A small donation is given each week by the Line Dancing group to the festival committee.
 Board members filled out a Statement of Economic Interest to be turned in to Jill Cowsert.
 S. Wiesemann asked the board to hire Patti Spivey as an employee for 10 hours a week. She is a great asset to the library and knows how to do many tasks at the library.
 Motion to hire Patti Spivey as of May 1, 2024 for 10 hours per week at $14 per hour. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey. All agreed.
 The board will have to reassess its financial situation after 90 days of Patti’s employment to see how the finances stand.
 Chapter 7 of Serving Our Public was reviewed.
 Motion to Adjourn 8:20 p.m. D. Lampert/ J. Alvey, All Agreed.
 Minutes prepared by J. Lane.