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Board Meeting

Present:  Shirley Angleton, Dana Lampert, Judy Alvey, Julia Williams, Dennis Riley, Kevan Eddleman, Sharon Wiesemann
Absent:  Jennifer Lane, Gwynn Johnson, Chris Goolsby
Motion to approve the April minutes.  J. Alvey/J. Williams.  All agreed
Motion to approve the April financials (7 e-pays and checks11465 – 11480)
Discussion –
It was decided to transfer the majority of the funds to the dormant account and and keep enough  to pay a couple months’ bills in the regular account.  Funds will be transferred as needed.  J. Alvey/J. Williams.  All agreed.
Unfinished Business –
Sharon presented an itemized list of TIF expenses to submit to the city.  We haven’t spent all our TIF funds yet.
Banterra Bank donated money to buy 2 Kindles for the final Summer Reading Program drawing.  They are also donating a gift basket.  Shetler Automotive and Bumper to Bumper Automotive are also donating a gift basket.  Weekly prizes are being donated by Smoke on the Ohio, The Flower Basket, Bob’s, Riverside Mercantile, Riverport Express, and Bri-Onna’s Takeout.
New Business –
We will request the City reappoint Gwynndolin Johnson, Chris Goolsby, and Dennis Riley to new three-year terms.
Sharon is now the only person who can download anything onto the kids’ computers.
The 2024-2025 budget was approved as presented.  J. Alvey/D. Riley.  All approved.
Chapters 8 and 9 of Serving Our Public were reviewed.
Motion to adjourn at 7:55.  J. Alvey/J. Williams​