Board Meeting
Present: D. Riley, D. Lampert, J. Lane, K. Eddleman, S. Wiesemann, C. Goolsby, G. Johnson and J. Alvey
Absent: J. Williams and S. Angleton
6:09 p.m. Call to Order
Dennis Riley was sworn in by J. Lane.
Motion to approve the June meeting minutes. J. Alvey/G. Johnson All agreed.
Motion to approve the June financials (5 e-pays and checks 11495 - 11499, 11502 - 11507. J. Lane/D. Riley, All Agreed.
Discussion -
See Librarian’s Report attached.
New Business:
S. Wiesemann is concerned with the use of the Rose Clare Craft and Antique Mall for programming. The library is very thankful for the partnership, but currently the library is limited to Tuesday and Wednesdays. As part of a library program, Todd Carr wants to give a presentation on local history: Logan Belt in October. The line dance group uses it on Tuesday nights from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m., but another group started using it right after. Todd can’t present on Wednesday due to church. A few of the members of the library board are also on the Fluorspar Festival Committee, so they are going to discuss it at the next Fluorspar meeting and see what can be worked out.
A question was asked if the library would be at the Back to School Bash. Sharon will think about it.
The board reviewed Serving Our Public Chapter 13 and Part II, planned use of grant funding.
Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel. J. Alvey/ J. Lane, All agreed.
Motion to exit Executive Session and return to the regular meeting. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
The annual library director evaluation was completed. It will be reviewed and signed at the next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn 7:18 p.m. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.