Board Meeting
Call to Order: 6:05 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, J. Lane, C. Goolsby, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman, and S. Wiesemann
Absent: G. Johnson, J. Williams, and J. Alvey
Motion to approve July minutes: K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, all agreed.
Motion to approve the July financials: 11481; 11509-11515; 990001- 990005; and 8 e-pays. D. Lampert/ C. Goolsby, all agreed.
S. Wiesemann asked if she could use the Petty cash to buy small supplies locally.
Motion to approve S. Wiesemann to make small purchases for the use of library needs out of Petty Cash and to reimburse it as it runs out. K. Eddleman, D. Riley, all agreed.
See Librarian's report attached.
Board signed a thank you card to send to Lloyd Wiesemann for his generous donation of $4000 to help fund Library expenses.
S. Wiesemann said that the Appropriation Ordinance in the June 13 Hardin County Independent was incorrect with many of the library figures. S. Wiesemann said she sent a form with the updated numbers in time for it to be included in that report. She notified Rosiclare City Clerk Traci Bishop of the mistake. J. Lane with the Independent said the forms are scanned in, not typed so, the original report was likely incorrect and scanned into the paper with the errors.
Unfinished business: N/A
6:25 p.m. Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel evaluation D. Lampert/S. Angleton, all agreed.
6:35 p.m. Motion to exit executive session. D. Lampert/S. Angleton, all agreed.
Motion to adjourn at 6:46 p.m. K. Eddleman/ S. Angleton, All agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.