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Board Meeting

Call to Order: 6:18 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, J. Lane, C. Goolsby, S. Wiesemann, G. Johnson, J. Alvey
Absent: J. Williams, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman
Motion to approve August minutes: J. Alvey/G. Johnson, all agreed.
Motion to approve the August financials: 11516-11518; 11520-11522; 990006-990009; and 8 e-pays. D. Riley/J. Lane, all agreed.
S. Wiesemann is still working on the right price for the ADA compliance on the website that will be paid for with the recently awarded State Library Grant.
 Mitzi with Friends of the Library is ill and wrote a check for the full balance of the Friends of the Library fund to the Library, due to leaving town. Toni Stone and Jan Gunderson have joined the group. This was an unexpected move and they were concerned that they don't have any funds to work with. They are having a quilt raffle to help raise funds for Friends of the Library. Winner will be announced on Fluorspar Day. They are needing to know if anyone else is on the Friends of the Library bank account so they can continue to have the group.
 See Librarian's Report.
 Unfinished Business: N/A
 The library will be open for Fluorspar Day, October 5, from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. S. Wiesemann will work that day.
 Motion to adjourn at 6:59 p.m. G. Johnson/ J. Lane, All agreed.