January 9, 2024
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, J. Alvey, S. Angleton, J. Williams
Absent: none
6:04 p.m. Call to Order
Julia Williams was sworn in as a new Library Trustee by Jennifer Lane, Board Secretary.
Motion to approve the December meeting minutes with a correction in minutes to P. Spivey’s last day which would be April 2024. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the December financials (2 e-pays and checks 11393; 11407 - 11418) J. Lane/J. Alvey. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Rosiclare Church of Christ has used the library on Sundays several times. They gave a donation to the library of $300.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
Unfinished Business: Still looking for a new board member. S. Wiesemann suggests Gwynn Johnson and will reach out to her.
New Business:
Board discussed raises for the new year.
Motion to approve a $1 raise for Donna Walczak ($14 per hour) as of January 1, 2024. D. Lampert/J. Alvey, All agreed.
Motion to approve a $1 raise for Sharon Wiesemann ($14.75 per hour) as of January 1, 2024. J. Lane/D. Riley, All agreed.
Motion to approve new library hours of operation from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All agreed.
P. Spivey will open the library at noon and S. Wiesemann will work from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
P. Spivey’s contract with Goodwill will end in April, so hoping TIF money and other donations will allow P. Spivey to stay on since she is such an asset to the library.
The board read over and discussed Serving Our Public, Chapters 1 and 2.
Motion to Adjourn 6:50 p.m. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
September 10, 2024
Call to Order: 6:18 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, J. Lane, C. Goolsby, S. Wiesemann, G. Johnson, J. Alvey
Absent: J. Williams, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman
Motion to approve August minutes: J. Alvey/G. Johnson, all agreed.
Motion to approve the August financials: 11516-11518; 11520-11522; 990006-990009; and 8 e-pays. D. Riley/J. Lane, all agreed.
S. Wiesemann is still working on the right price for the ADA compliance on the website that will be paid for with the recently awarded State Library Grant.
Mitzi with Friends of the Library is ill and wrote a check for the full balance of the Friends of the Library fund to the Library, due to leaving town. Toni Stone and Jan Gunderson have joined the group. This was an unexpected move and they were concerned that they don't have any funds to work with. They are having a quilt raffle to help raise funds for Friends of the Library. Winner will be announced on Fluorspar Day. They are needing to know if anyone else is on the Friends of the Library bank account so they can continue to have the group.
See Librarian's Report.
Unfinished Business: N/A
The library will be open for Fluorspar Day, October 5, from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. S. Wiesemann will work that day.
Motion to adjourn at 6:59 p.m. G. Johnson/ J. Lane, All agreed.
June 11, 2024
Present: J. Lane, J. Williams, K. Eddleman, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, G. Johnson and J. Alvey
Absent: D. Riley and D. Lampert
6:03 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the May meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/J. Lane, All agreed.
Motion to approve the May financials (5 e-pays and checks 11482-11494. J. Alvey/J. Williams All Agreed.
Chris Goolsby and Gwynn Johnson were sworn in by J. Lane.
Dennis Riley will be sworn in at the next meeting since he was absent.
Discussion -
See Librarian’s Report attached.
S. Wiesemann was just notified that the library received a technology grant of $12,500. Paperwork has to be submitted by Friday. Money must be spent within two years. The purpose is to enhance the infrastructure of the library.
S. Wiesemann would like to update the website to make it ADA compatible, and buy computers, accessories, monitors, laptops, and new printer with remaining money.
S. Wiesemann wants to switch the Summer Reading Program times to the afternoon next year.
New Business -
Motion to approve the non resident free from $37 to $40 effective July 1. K. Eddleman/J. Williams. All Agreed.
Went through Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Serving Our Public.
We discussed doing the Library Director’s Evaluation at the next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn 7:25 p.m. J. Alvey/J. Williams, All Agreed.
October 8, 2024
Call to Order: 6:01 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, C. Goolsby, S. Wiesemann, G. Johnson, J. Alvey, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman
Absent: J. Williams, J. Lane
Motion to approve September minutes: K. Eddleman/D. Riley - all agreed.
Motion to approve the September financials: 11519, 11523 – 11524, 11526 – 11529; 990010-990011; and 7 e-pays. K. Eddleman/S. Angleton - all agreed.
See Librarian's Report.
Discussed GoDaddy vs. Streamline for our website. The cost to migrate our current information to a new platform is significantly more for GoDaddy than Streamline. Everyone agreed Streamline seems to be the best option.
Discussed looking for a less expensive worker’s compensation policy. Sharon will see what she can find out.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Holiday Open House. We will discuss the Open House at the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.: C. Goolsby/D. Lampert - All agreed.
May 14, 2024
Present: Shirley Angleton, Dana Lampert, Judy Alvey, Julia Williams, Dennis Riley, Kevan Eddleman, Sharon Wiesemann
Absent: Jennifer Lane, Gwynn Johnson, Chris Goolsby
Motion to approve the April minutes. J. Alvey/J. Williams. All agreed
Motion to approve the April financials (7 e-pays and checks11465 – 11480)
Discussion –
It was decided to transfer the majority of the funds to the dormant account and and keep enough to pay a couple months’ bills in the regular account. Funds will be transferred as needed. J. Alvey/J. Williams. All agreed.
Unfinished Business –
Sharon presented an itemized list of TIF expenses to submit to the city. We haven’t spent all our TIF funds yet.
Banterra Bank donated money to buy 2 Kindles for the final Summer Reading Program drawing. They are also donating a gift basket. Shetler Automotive and Bumper to Bumper Automotive are also donating a gift basket. Weekly prizes are being donated by Smoke on the Ohio, The Flower Basket, Bob’s, Riverside Mercantile, Riverport Express, and Bri-Onna’s Takeout.
New Business –
We will request the City reappoint Gwynndolin Johnson, Chris Goolsby, and Dennis Riley to new three-year terms.
Sharon is now the only person who can download anything onto the kids’ computers.
The 2024-2025 budget was approved as presented. J. Alvey/D. Riley. All approved.
Chapters 8 and 9 of Serving Our Public were reviewed.
Motion to adjourn at 7:55. J. Alvey/J. Williams
December 12, 2023
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann
Absent: W. Gibbs, S. Angleton, and J. Alvey
6:05 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the November meeting minutes. D. Riley/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the November financials (2 e-pays and checks 11370; 11373; 11380; 11382-11385; 11389-11392; 11394-11406 J. Lane/ K. Eddleman. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Memorial donations have come in for Norma Gehring, Sue Harl and Hubert Volle.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
Unfinished Business:
Disaster Plan has been typed up.
Motion to approve the disaster plan. J. Lane/D. Lampert. All Agreed.
New Business:
Julia Williams has been chosen to replace Darlene Hamilton’s spot on the Board. Julia will be sworn in at the next meeting.
S. Wiesemann was told that W. Gibbs plans on leaving the library board but has not submitted an official resignation letter yet.
TIF money can be spent on job creation, retention, and training. This money may help keep Patti Spivey with the library since her contract with Goodwill ends April 2024. Will have to see how much TIF money the library receives and discuss more at a later date.
The Per Capita Grant Application was reviewed and approved. S. Wiesemann will submit it in January 2024.
Renting the library was discussed. The Rosiclare Church of Christ asked if they could use the library for about an hour each Sunday for youth Sunday School for a secluded learning environment. Currently they use the Rose Clare Craft and Antique Mall on Sundays for their worship services. They wanted to donate $250 every 3 months as a gift for use of the room.
The board discussed opening up the library for other people to rent after hours, but at this time it would have to be a case by case determination possibly for a club or organization.
Motion to approve the Rosiclare Church of Christ to use the library for one hour each Sunday morning until either party decided to terminate the agreement. D. Lampert/D. Riley, All agreed.
Holiday Open House was held December 9 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 26 kids attended, 23 adults attended.
Motion to Adjourn 6:36 p.m. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
July 9, 2024
Present: D. Riley, D. Lampert, J. Lane, K. Eddleman, S. Wiesemann, C. Goolsby, G. Johnson and J. Alvey
Absent: J. Williams and S. Angleton
6:09 p.m. Call to Order
Dennis Riley was sworn in by J. Lane.
Motion to approve the June meeting minutes. J. Alvey/G. Johnson All agreed.
Motion to approve the June financials (5 e-pays and checks 11495 - 11499, 11502 - 11507. J. Lane/D. Riley, All Agreed.
Discussion -
See Librarian’s Report attached.
New Business:
S. Wiesemann is concerned with the use of the Rose Clare Craft and Antique Mall for programming. The library is very thankful for the partnership, but currently the library is limited to Tuesday and Wednesdays. As part of a library program, Todd Carr wants to give a presentation on local history: Logan Belt in October. The line dance group uses it on Tuesday nights from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m., but another group started using it right after. Todd can’t present on Wednesday due to church. A few of the members of the library board are also on the Fluorspar Festival Committee, so they are going to discuss it at the next Fluorspar meeting and see what can be worked out.
A question was asked if the library would be at the Back to School Bash. Sharon will think about it.
The board reviewed Serving Our Public Chapter 13 and Part II, planned use of grant funding.
Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel. J. Alvey/ J. Lane, All agreed.
Motion to exit Executive Session and return to the regular meeting. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
The annual library director evaluation was completed. It will be reviewed and signed at the next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn 7:18 p.m. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
April 9, 2024
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, J. Alvey
Absent: G. Johnson and J. Williams
6:12 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the March meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey, All agreed.
Motion to approve the March financials (2 e-pays and checks 11440; 11442-11453; 11455-11464) K. Eddleman/J. Lane. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Unfinished Business-
Discussed ways to spend the TIF money since it can’t be spent on payroll even if considered training: fees for QuickBooks transfer, SIRPDC fees if needed help from Alene Carr, reinstall a new front door or maybe reverse it, storage shed, new shelving, ramp rails.
S. Wiesemann will call Alene Carr and see if she has any advice on the situation or a contractor to install the door.
The board talked a little about the annual evaluation form. S. Wiesemann will fill out her portion before the June board meeting and everyone will discuss the evaluation together at the end of the June meeting and complete it.
Librarian’s report - see attached.
Talked about Jennifer Warren, Nancy Drone, Todd Carr, and possibly Donna Walczak, and Shawnee National Forest to present at Summer Reading Program. Ag in the Classroom has been contacted but there has been no call back at this time.
New Business -
S. Wiesemann stated a concern about one of the library adult programs, Line Dancing. The Fluorspar Festival Board told Wiesemann that they could not dance on Tuesday nights in the Rose Clare Craft Mall since people might want to rent the place on that night. They did say that since the library uses the room on Wednesdays for crafts, that Line Dancing could take place after that. Those times don’t work for the Line Dancing group. K. Eddleman said he would talk to the Fluorspar Festival Committee and see if the Line Dance group could continue to use the room when it is not rented out on Tuesdays. Using the room at the Rose Clare Craft Mall is considered an extension of the library, so it is an important community resource for the library programs. A small donation is given each week by the Line Dancing group to the festival committee.
Board members filled out a Statement of Economic Interest to be turned in to Jill Cowsert.
S. Wiesemann asked the board to hire Patti Spivey as an employee for 10 hours a week. She is a great asset to the library and knows how to do many tasks at the library.
Motion to hire Patti Spivey as of May 1, 2024 for 10 hours per week at $14 per hour. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey. All agreed.
The board will have to reassess its financial situation after 90 days of Patti’s employment to see how the finances stand.
Chapter 7 of Serving Our Public was reviewed.
Motion to Adjourn 8:20 p.m. D. Lampert/ J. Alvey, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
November 12, 2024
Call to Order: 6:03 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, J. Lane, C. Goolsby, S. Wiesemann, J. Alvey, D. Lampert, and K. Eddleman
Absent: J. Williams, G. Johnson
Motion to approve October minutes. K. Eddleman/J. Alvey, all agreed.
Motion to approve the October financials: 11525; 11530-11536, 990012-990015 and 9 e-pays. J. Lane/K. Eddleman, all agreed.
The Christmas Open House will be held Saturday, December 14 before the Rosiclare Annual Lights Parade from 4:00 to 5:45 p.m. We will have crafts, snack bags, and letters to Santa. Board members will donate treats and others will run craft tables.
Dennis Riley has volunteered to be Santa. There is a confusion on the exact time the City plans to do it but Santa has been scheduled before the Lights Parade, so there may be two different times.
See Librarian's Report.
New business: Review policies - blood borne pathogen and circulation policies.
Motion to approve revisions discussed for the blood borne pathogen and circulation policies. K. Eddleman/ D. Riley, all agreed.
Motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. J. Alvey/ K. Eddleman, All agreed.
November 14, 2023
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, J. Alvey
Absent: W. Gibbs
6:06 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the October meeting minutes. J. Alvey/D. Lampert All agreed.
Motion to approve the October financials (3 e-pays and checks 11371 - 11372; 11374 – 11379; 11381; 11386 J. Alvey/ J. Lane All Agreed.
Discussion - S. Angleton invited two different people to join the library but they said no. S. Wiesemann was told that W. Gibbs is considering leaving the board and suggested Julia Williams to replace her. A board member will ask Julia if she would like to join.
Librarian’s Report: see attached.
Unfinished Business:
Disaster Plan - The board filled in information needed to finish the disaster plan (phone numbers and other details). Will need to get a plastic drop cloth to cover supplies, equipment, and books in case of a leak. S. Angleton will update the plan, type it, and print for the board to approve.
MTA reimbursement of craft supplies costs to Jennifer Lane who presented a receipt. J. Alvey/C. Goolsby. All Agreed.
New Business: S. Wiesemann needs a few more shelves added to her cabinets. She needs to purchase at least 6 boards/shelves. The board agreed.
Patti Spivey is an asset to the library and S. Wiesemann would like to keep her longer since the Goodwill program will run out soon. S. Wiesemann is asking that board members help think of ideas to fund her employment. She may get some donations that could help keep Patti.
Holiday Open House will be held December 9 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Board member Dennis Riley will help Santa for the City. Board members will pitch in and bring treats, read, make crafts, and help children write letters to Santa. J. Lane purchased several ornament kits and D. Walczak will provide some crafts too. Board members will arrive at 9:30 a.m. to help set everything up.
The board went over Serving Our Public Chapter 13.
Motion to Adjourn 7:12 p.m. J. Alvey/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
March 12, 2024
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton, C. Goolsby, J. Alvey, Gwynndolin Johnson
Absent: J. Williams
6:02 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the February meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the February financials (2 e-pays and checks 11434–11439; 11443-11447) J. Alvey/C. Goolsby. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Gwynn Johnson was sworn as a new library trustee in by J. Lane.
Librarian’s report - see attached.
Unfinished Business - TIF money is now available to be dispersed. Board members want more clarification on how it can be spent before the request is submitted. S. Wiesemann will do some more investigating with it.
New Business -
S. Wiesemann said she is planning on helping the line dancers get t-shirts as part of a program expense. The library’s name will be on the back of the shirts.
The board discussed purchasing an advertisement in the Fluorspar Diamond to be a sponsor of the festival. Everyone agreed on an amount of $100 but tabled the motion until the letter requesting the sponsorship is received.
Summer Reading Program is in the planning stages. It may be moved from Mondays to Wednesdays this summer. Donna Walczak may run it this year in addition to (tentatively) Shawnee National Forest, Ag in the Classroom, U of I Extension and Todd Carr.
Board agreed to make a special request by letter to the City Board to have Rosiclare Memorial Public Library signage placed at the intersection of Ferrell Road and Main Street to point people to the library.
Board will table the Library Director Eval until the next meeting. The evaluation may be revised before the evaluation will take place.
Chapters 5 and 6 of Serving Our Public were reviewed.
Motion to Adjourn 7:20 p.m. /D. Lampert/ D.Riley, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
August 13, 2024
Call to Order: 6:05 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, J. Lane, C. Goolsby, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman, and S. Wiesemann
Absent: G. Johnson, J. Williams, and J. Alvey
Motion to approve July minutes: K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, all agreed.
Motion to approve the July financials: 11481; 11509-11515; 990001- 990005; and 8 e-pays. D. Lampert/ C. Goolsby, all agreed.
S. Wiesemann asked if she could use the Petty cash to buy small supplies locally.
Motion to approve S. Wiesemann to make small purchases for the use of library needs out of Petty Cash and to reimburse it as it runs out. K. Eddleman, D. Riley, all agreed.
See Librarian's report attached.
Board signed a thank you card to send to Lloyd Wiesemann for his generous donation of $4000 to help fund Library expenses.
S. Wiesemann said that the Appropriation Ordinance in the June 13 Hardin County Independent was incorrect with many of the library figures. S. Wiesemann said she sent a form with the updated numbers in time for it to be included in that report. She notified Rosiclare City Clerk Traci Bishop of the mistake. J. Lane with the Independent said the forms are scanned in, not typed so, the original report was likely incorrect and scanned into the paper with the errors.
Unfinished business: N/A
6:25 p.m. Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel evaluation D. Lampert/S. Angleton, all agreed.
6:35 p.m. Motion to exit executive session. D. Lampert/S. Angleton, all agreed.
Motion to adjourn at 6:46 p.m. K. Eddleman/ S. Angleton, All agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
February 13, 2024
Present: J. Lane, K. Eddleman, D. Lampert, D. Riley, S. Wiesemann, S. Angleton,
Absent: C. Goolsby, J. Alvey, J. Williams
6:14 p.m. Call to Order
Motion to approve the January meeting minutes. K. Eddleman/D. Lampert, All agreed.
Motion to approve the January financials (4 e-pays and checks 11419-1433) J. Lane/ K. Eddleman. All Agreed.
Discussion -
Librarian’s report - see attached.
Unfinished Business - none
New Business -
Gwynndolin Johnson has been appointed and voted in as a Library Trustee. She was not able to make it to the meeting, so she can be sworn in at the next meeting.
TIF money is now available for the first disbursement. To receive the first payment, it has to be submitted with the reason it will be spent. It can be spent on training and building updates. A list was given how it can be spent.
It might be good to pay for Donna or Patti’s salaries during training or buy shelving, improve the entrance to be ADA approved, etc.
Chapters 3 & 4 of Serving Our Public were reviewed.
Motion to Adjourn 7:5 p.m. D. Riley/D. Lampert, All Agreed.
Minutes prepared by J. Lane.
Rosiclare Memorial Public Library © 2013